econ industries is proud to announce the next project towards making mercury history: a delivery contract for a VacuDry® Unit going to India. A VacuDry® 3 000 plant will be deployed to clean-up mercury contaminated soil from a former factory. Due to the location of the factory and strict environmental regulations, an on-site remediation with highest cleaning efficiency was requested. The VacuDry® vacuum distillation process proved to be the best option for this requirement. For process optimization the VacuDry® plant is combined with a soil washing unit. The VacuDry® plant is scheduled to be commissioned in 2020.
Once the project has been completed, other sites in India are waiting for on-site remediation. The design of the VacuDry® 3 000 unit has been setup in a way that it can easily be moved after the completion of the project to other soil remediation projects.
The goal ‘Making Mercury History’ was initiated by the Minamata Convention on Mercury of the United Nations Environment Programme. The Third Conferene of the Parties took place in Geneva from November 25-29, 2019. econ industries participated with a knowledge lab on localisation of mercuy waste treatment. Photos of the event can be found here.
These are the input and output materials of an identical plant: