Made in Germany
Flatten the curve - econ continues work remotely

Flatten the curve – econ continues work remotely

The effects of the worldwide spread of the corona virus are clearly noticeable – in working life as well as in daily private life.
Since Monday, 16th of March, most econeers work remotely from home with business continuing as usual. Since we have always been set up to work and be available anywhere in the world, nothing changes for you.

We are prepared to bring the current projects forward in the accustomed quality. A crisis always holds opportunities. Projects for which there is too little time in normal everyday working life can be pushed forward!

In addition to that, we will offer you new formats, such as webinars, to keep you informed about all current developments, projects and services.

Let’s all take this opportunity and embrace sustainability and digital transformation. Let’s keep on moving forward. Let’s break new grounds together.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the status of your order. Thanks to a reliable supply chain, currently all deliveries are running as originally planned.

Check out our Linkedin and twitter profile for up-to-date infos about all virtual events and news.

Stay home and stay healthy!

Let´s work together