Looking for a sustainable, yet economic solution for your oily wastes? Look no further!
Every day, thousands of tons of oily wastes are generated in the Gulf region, in addition to the volumes previously landfilled. Tougher legislation and the visionary movement (Vision 2030, 2035, and 2040) in most Gulf nations requires hazardous waste generators and service companies to rethink the treatment of increasingly complex waste streams. In many nations, using twentieth-century technology like rotary kilns is no longer an option. Today’s buzzwords are resource recovery and carbon footprint reduction, which can only be accomplished with cutting-edge technology.
Are you ready to position yourself as a pioneer and secure a solid and sustainable source of income for the next 15+ years?
Our award-winning VacuDry® Vacuum Distillation process has been invented and optimized to treat a wide range of oily wastes with the goal to recover valuable resources while minimizing harmful emissions.
Typical applications are:
- Drill cuttings
- Tank bottom sludges
- Oil lagoon sludges
- NORM waste
- Mercury wastes
VacuDry® plants are designed to achieve
- Flexibility against changing waste streams – due to batch-wise processing there is no need to adapt the waste to the technology
- Low environmental impact – through low emissions and low energy consumption compared to any other thermal treatment technology
- Low operational expenses – due to low energy consumption and highest quality of recovered oil
- Economic efficiency due to modular design – different VacuDry® sizes allow throughput between 5 to 500 metric tons per day
- Reliability through robustness – German quality and self-cleaning evaporator design leads to a long service life