Press Archive

Archive: 2010

Süddeutsche Zeitung – How to make money out of dirt

A Starnberg-based company is building plants worldwide that can be used to dispose of hazardous industrial waste in an environmentally friendly manner.


Wasser und Abfall – Bavarian company uses vacuum drying to treat hazardous industrial wastes

econ industries’ plants treat contaminated sites and hazardous waste from oil refineries, industry and hospitals in an energy-saving and environmentally friendly manner.


Starnberger Merkur – From Starnberg to the whole world

econ industries from Percha supplies plants for the treatment of industrial hazardous wastes and contaminated soil.


Recycling Technology – The pollutant evaporator

So far, oily soils or sludges have usually been landfilled or incinerated. Reinhard Schmidt explains how the oil can be separated and recycled with vacuum technology.


Industrieanzeiger – From hazardous waste to raw material

The plants of econ industries treat contaminated sites and hazardous industrial waste in an energy-saving and environmentally friendly way.


Recycling Magazine – Vacuum dryer for oily sludges

A small company wants to conquer the world market with its technology: hazardous substances are no longer to be incinerated, but processed.


Wasser, Luft und Boden – From hazardous waste to raw material

Zero Industrial Waste…! Energy efficient plant processes 2000kg of oil sludge per hour.


Sekundärrohstoffe – Hazardous waste has no economic crisis

The econ industries plants in Starnberg, Bavaria, process contaminated waste from oil refineries, industry and hospitals as well as contaminated soil – energetically, economically and environmentally friendly.


Entsorga Magazine – From hazardous waste to raw material

Since the development of oil production, refineries and petrochemicals, the quantity of hazardous residues has increased drastically, as has the demand for hazardous waste treatment plants.


Nachhaltige Produktion – With vacuum drying from hazardous waste to raw material

A few weeks ago a unique processing plant was installed in England. It processes 2,000 kg of oil sludge per hour and extracts…
